McKinley Primary Center                    2016-17 / Quarter  1 / 1st Grade: Teaching & Learning Plan





Physical Education


Week 3


I canÉ

Discuss individual art experiences in daily life.


Identify works of art and artifacts associated with customs, festivals, and celebrations.

Match simple pitch patterns in expanding ranges.


Echo short melodic and rhythmic patterns.

Perform locomotor skills with developmentally appropriate challenges to reinforce learning of basic movements.


Demonstrate fundamental movement vocabulary and cue words for learning skills.

Week 9


I canÉ

Count to at least 120 by ones, fives, and tens from any given number. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral.


Understand that 10 can be thought of as a group of ten ones — called a Òten."


Understand that the numbers from 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and; one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones. Understand that the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones).


Match the ordinal numbers first, second, third, etc., with an ordered set up to 10 items.


Show equivalent forms of whole numbers as groups of tens and ones, and understand that the individual digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones.


Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false.


Tell and write time to the nearest half-hour and relate time to events (before/after, shorter/longer) using analog clocks. Understand how to read hours and minutes using digital clocks.


Find the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, and dimes.

Week 6


I canÉ


Identify similar themes and subject matter in works of art and artifacts from various cultures.


Respond to art based on personal preference and actively listen to others, recognizing that people have different preferences.

Respond to sung or played musical questions by singing and using body percussion, found items, and instrumental sounds.


Independently create and perform short rhythmic and melodic patterns with teacher guidance using the voice, body percussion, found items, or classroom instruments.

Engage in health-related physical fitness activities or games during physical education class, recess, and/or or leisure time with oneÕs family and friends.


Demonstrate how increasing the intensity of an activity will increase the heart rate.


Week 3

I canÉ

Characterize materials as solid, liquid, or gas and investigate their properties, record observations and explain the choices to others based on evidence (i.e., physical properties). Predict and experiment with methods (sieving, evaporation) to separate solids and liquids based on their physical properties.

Week 9


I canÉ


Demonstrate thoughtfulness and care in creating artwork.


Respect personal work and the work of others.

Identify and use a balance of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media and processes to express ideas, experiences, and stories.

Read and perform simple four-beat patterns with quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests using rhythm syllables.


Show changes in tempo, dynamics, and mood using movement in response to music.

Identify and demonstrate safety practices and personal responsibility during physical education class, recess and after school physical activities.


Identify personal goals and demonstrate a willingness to achieve specific movement skills and physical fitness challenges.

Week 6

I canÉ

Observe and compare properties of sand, clay, silt, and organic matter. Look for evidence of sand, clay, silt, and organic matter as components of soil samples.

Week 9

I canÉ

Observe a variety of soil samples and describe in words and pictures the soil properties in terms of color, particle size and shape, texture, and recognizable living and nonliving items.

Social Studies

Week 3


I canÉ

Develop a simple timeline of important events in the studentÕs life.


Use the terms past and present; yesterday, today and tomorrow; and next week and last week to sequentially order events that have occurred in the school.

Week 6


I canÉ

Compare the way individuals in the community lived in the past with the way they live in the present.


Compare past and present similarities and differences in community life through different forms of media, biographies, oral histories, folklore, video images, etc.

Week 9


I canÉ

Identify American songs and symbols and discuss their origins.


Identify local people from the past who have shown honesty, courage and responsibility.


Identify people and events observed in national celebrations and holidays.


Note: Each column uses different text styles (Regular, Italic, Bold, Underlined) to differentiate concepts.     Language Arts & Reading

1st Grade – Reading Wonders, Unit 1               Big Idea:  Getting to Know Us                                             What makes you special?


Weekly Concept &

Essential Questions


Concepts of Print,

Text Features

Comprehension: Skills, Strategies & Fluency

Phonics: Awareness, Spelling Skill, Structural Analysis

Vocabulary: Academic, High-Frequency, Oral, & Domain




About Reading


Skill & Mechanics

Research & Inquiry


At School


What do you do at school?

Realistic Fiction, Nonfiction


Book Handling





Key Details


Appropriate Phrasing

Identify Rhyme, Phoneme: Isolation, Blending, Segmentation


Consonants reviewed throughout Unit 1


s (inflectional ending)

events, illustrations, punctuation


does, not, school, what


learn, subjects, common, object, recognize


rules, obey, safety

Ideas: Focus on a Single Event                      


Personal Narrative

Analyze Key Details


Sentence Capitalization


What kinds of activities do we do at school?


Where I Live


What is it like where you live?

Realistic Fiction, Fable, Fantasy, Nonfiction


Book Handling


Bold print



Key Details



Alliteration, Phoneme: Categorization, Blending, Segmentation

short i


double final consonants

author, bold print, sequence


down, out, up, very


city country, bored, feast, scurried


building, yard, playground

Ideas: Describing Details

Descriptive Sentences About a Place

Analyze Key Details

Word Order

Sentence Punctuation (periods)


How are places in our community similar to, or different from, places in other communities?


Our Pets


What makes a pet special?

Fiction, Nonfiction, Fantasy


Track Print and Return Sweep





Key Details


Appropriate Phrasing

Contrast Vowel Sounds,  Phoneme:  Blending, Substitution, Segmentation

beginning consonant blends: l-blends


s (plural nouns)

consonant, label, publish


be, come, good, pull


care, train, groom, companion, popular


living things, need, cares


Ideas: Describing Details

Descriptive Sentences About an Animal

Analyze Key Details


Capitalization and Punctuation (periods)


What are the ways to care for pets?


LetÕs Be Friends


What do friends do together?

Nonfiction, Poetry


Book Handling



Ask and Answer Questions


Key Details


Appropriate Phrasing

Phoneme: Categorization, Blending, Segmentation, Deletion, Rhyme

short o


alphabetical order (one letter)

evaluate, rhyme


fun, make, they, too


cooperate, relationship, deliver, chore, collect




Organization: Compare and Contrast

Personal Narrative

Analyze Key Details

Questions and Exclamations

Question and Exclamation Marks


What can we learn about our favorite games or sports?


LetÕs Move!


How does your body move?

Nonfiction, Folktale


Special Text Treatments



Ask and Answer Questions


Key Details


Appropriate Phrasing

Phoneme: Categorization, Segmentation, Deletion, Blending

Beginning consonant blends:
r-blends; s-blends


diagram, first, last, next


jump, move, run, two


physical, exercise, agree, exhausted, difficult

Organization: Order of Events

Personal Narrative

Analyze Key Details

Writing Sentences

Capitalization and Punctuation
(periods, question and exclamation marks)

How does the human body move?


Unit Level:          Research Skill: Selecting a Topic          Unit Project: Self-select and develop from weekly research projects.

McKinley Primary Center                    2016-17 / Quarter 1 / 1st Grade: Teaching & Learning Plan