McKinley Primary Center                    2016-17 /Quarter  2/ 2nd Grade: Teaching & Learning Plan





Physical Education


Week 3


I canÉ


Construct meaning in works of art and support opinions with personal response, properties found in the work, shared peer perspectives, and background information.


Identify and apply elements (line, shape, form, texture, color, and space) and principles (repetition, variety, rhythm, proportion) in artwork.

Sing a cappella and with accompaniment, independently and in groups.


Maintain a steady beat and play with appropriate dynamic levels.


Sing short questions to be answered by classmates.

Perform stability skills proficiently and in combinations, with developmentally appropriate challenges.


Identify and begin to demonstrate techniques for efficient and safe movement.

Week 9


I canÉ

Add and subtract fluently within 100.                             

Solve real-world problems involving addition and subtraction within 100 in situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all parts of the addition or subtraction problem. Use estimation to decide whether answers are reasonable in addition problems.

Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones. Understand that 100 can be thought of as a group of ten tens — called a Òhundred." Understand that the numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine hundreds.

Use place value understanding to compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

Identify, describe, and classify two- and three-dimensional shapes (triangle, square, rectangle, cube, right rectangular prism) according to the number and shape of faces and the number of sides and/or vertices. Draw two-dimensional shapes.

Create squares, rectangles, triangles, cubes, and right rectangular prisms using appropriate materials.

Investigate and predict the result of composing and decomposing two- and three-dimensional shapes.

Partition a rectangle into rows and columns of same-size (unit) squares and count to find the total number of same-size squares.

Week 6


I canÉ


Identify visual and tactile characteristics of a medium.

Create artwork about self, family, and personal experiences.


Create and use symbols in personal artwork to communicate meaning.

Create music collaboratively to enhance a poem or short story using a variety of sound sources.


Notate quarter, eighth, half, dotted half, and sixteenth notes, and quarter and half rests using iconic or standard notation.


Identify repetition and contrast in sections of music using symbols or movement.

Participates in and keeps a record of activities outside of physical education class that provide opportunities to demonstrate a healthy lifestyle.


Describe what can happen to the body of a person who does not exercise and who consumes too much food.

Week 9


I canÉ

Identify and apply criteria for self-assessment of studio work such as craftsmanship, control of media, and communication of ideas.


Discriminate between types of lines (characteristics and qualities), shapes (geometric and organic), textures (tactile and visual), colors (primary and secondary), and space (placement/overlapping/negative/positive/size), in own work and the works of others.

Listen to and compare two contrasting styles of composition using basic musical terminology.


Describe an aural musical example through movement, art, or writing.


Discover the role of music from earlier periods in history such as the music of Native Americans and its relationship to other elements in the society.


Discuss and demonstrate appropriate listening behavior for various types of performances.

Demonstrate and apply rules and directions for an active class.


Identify personal goals and demonstrate a willingness to achieve specific movement

skills and physical fitness challenges.


Week 3

I canÉ

Construct an argument with evidence that some changes caused by heating and cooling can be reversed and some cannot.

Week 6

I canÉ

Record detailed weather observations, including cloud cover, cloud type, and type of precipitation on a daily basis over a period of weeks and correlate observations to the time of year. Chart and graph collected data.

Week 9

I canÉ

Investigate the severe weather of the region and its impact on the community, looking at forecasting to prepare for, and respond to, severe weather.

Investigate how wind or water change the shape of the land and design solutions for prevention.

Social Studies

Week 3

I canÉ

Explain that the United States government is founded on the belief of equal rights for its citizens

Understand and explain why it is important for a community to have responsible government.

Identify community leaders such as the mayor and city council.

Week 9

I canÉ

Social StudiesÉ continued from front

Discuss and explain the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance and understand the role played by Benjamin Harrison (IndianaÕs only President) in promoting recitation of the Pledge by American school children; identify other ways citizens can affirm their citizenship.

Explain the consequences of violating laws, including punishment of those who do wrong, and the importance of resolving conflicts appropriately.

Week 6

I canÉ

Describe how people of different ages, cultural backgrounds and traditions contribute to the community and how all citizens can respect these differences.

Identify people who are good citizens and describe the character traits that make them admirable.

Social StudiesÉ continued on back


Note: Each column uses different text styles (Regular, Italic, Bold, Underlined) to differentiate concepts.     Language Arts & Reading

2nd Grade – Reading Wonders, Unit 3              Big Idea: Live and Learn                                                        What have you learned about the world that surprises you?


Weekly Concept &

Essential Questions

Genres, Text Features, Literary Elements

Comprehension Skills, Strategies, & Fluency

Phonics: Awareness, Spelling Skill, Structural Analysis

Words: Vocabulary, Academic, High-Frequency, Oral, Domain, & Strategies

Writing: Trait, Product, About Reading


Skill & Mechanics

Research & Inquiry


The EarthÕs Forces


How do the EarthÕs forces affect us?

Nonfiction, Informational Text / Expository


Diagram With Labels, Bold Print, Subheadings


 AuthorÕs Purpose



Identify and Generate Rhyme; Phoneme Categorization; Phoneme Blending

Long a: a, ai, ay, ea, ei, eigh, ey

Contractions with 's, 're, 'll, 've

amazing, force, measure, objects, proved, speed, true, weight

authorÕs purpose, comparison, contractions

about, around, good, great, idea, often, part, second, two, world

college, famous, path, planets, straight



Organization: Order Ideas


Analyze Author's Purpose

Action Verbs




How do Earth's forces affect us?


Research the pushes and pulls in your everyday life.


Look at the Sky


What can we see in the sky?

Fiction, Informational Text



Character, Setting, Plot: Sequence



Phoneme Isolation; Phoneme Substitution; Phoneme Blending; Phoneme Categorization

Long i: i, y, igh, ie

Open Syllables

adventure, delighted, dreamed, enjoyed, grumbled, moonlight, neighbor, nighttime

also, apart, begin, either, hundred, over, places, those, which, without

exactly, present, reports, telescopes, total

jellyroll, Big Dipper, Milky Way

Compound Words

Word Choice: Linking Words

Analyze Story Structure

Present-Tense Verbs

Commas in a Series

Weekly: Explore the phases of the Moon.


Ways People Help


How can people help out their community?

Nonfiction Narrative, Informational Text, Fiction /



Photos With Captions

Ask and Answer Questions


 AuthorÕs Purpose



Phoneme Deletion; Phoneme Substitution; Phoneme Addition; Phoneme Blending

Long o: o, oa, ow, oe

Contractions with not

across, borrow, countryside, ideas, insists, lonely, solution, villages


better, group, long, more, only, our, started, three, who, wonÕt

artist, celebration, commented, community, mural

burro, Colombia


Voice: Opinions

Analyze Author's Purpose

Past- and Future-Tense Verbs

Letter Punctuation

Weekly: How do people solve problems or help in your community?


Weather Alert!


How does weather affect us?

Expository, Informational Text


Photos With Captions, Bold Print, subheadings, Sidebar With Directions

Ask and Answer Questions


Main Idea and Key Details,



Identify Syllables; Phoneme Categorization; Phoneme Blending

Long e: e, ee, ea, ie, y, ey, e_e

-s, -es

damage, dangerous, destroy, event, harsh, prevent, warning, weather


after, before, every, few, first, hear, hurt, old, special, would

gloomy, pleasant, predict, reflect, rises

temperature          Antonyms

Organization: Strong Conclusions


Analyze Text Features

The Verb Have

Book Titles

Weekly:  How can people stay safe in extreme weather?


Express Yourself


How do you express yourself?

Time For Kids, Informational Text


Photos With Captions, Bar Graph

Ask and Answer Questions


Main Idea and Key Details



Phoneme Addition and Deletion; Identify and Generate Alliteration; Phoneme Blending

Long u: u_e, ew, ue, u

Comparative Endings: -er, -est

cheered, concert, instrument, movements, music, rhythm, sounds, understand

blend, combine

America, beautiful, began, climbed, come, country, didnÕt, give, live, turned

communicate, festivals, respect, squeezing, tradition    Prefixes

Sentence Fluency: Vary Sentence Length

Analyze Key Details

Combining and Rearranging Sentences

Sentence Punctuation

Weekly: How do different musical instruments work?


Unit Level:     Research Skill: Parts of the Library          Unit Project: Self-select and develop from options for unit research projects.

McKinley Primary Center                    2016-17 /Quarter  2/ 2nd Grade: Teaching & Learning Plan