McKinley Primary Center                    2016-17 / Quarter  3 / 3rd Grade: Teaching & Learning Plan





Physical Education


Week 3


I can


Demonstrate refined perceptual skills in the production of artwork.

Describe and analyze sensory, formal, technical, and expressive properties in own work and works of artists through discussion and/or writing, developing appropriate vocabulary.

Recognize works of art from a variety of artists.

Sing songs from a variety of cultures including those of the school and community, adding any movement considered intrinsic to authentic performance of the music.

Use correct names for classroom instruments including those from world cultures.

Compose a melody to match given lyrics. Create lyrics to match a given melody.

Create a rhythmic accompaniment for a given melody to be played and notated using traditional or available electronic sources.

Utilize manipulative equipment combined with movement skills to perform specific sport skills.


Week 9


I can

Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers.

Solve real-world problems involving whole number multiplication and division within 100 in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities.

Create, extend, and give an appropriate rule for number patterns using multiplication within 100.

Multiply and divide within 100 using strategies, such as the relationship between multiplication and division.

Identify, describe and draw points, lines and line segments using appropriate tools, and use these terms when describing two-dimensional shapes.

Demonstrate fluency with multiplication facts and corresponding division facts of 0 to 10.

Interpret a multiplication equation as equal groups. Represent verbal statements of equal groups as multiplication equations.

Understand that shapes (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize and draw rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals. Recognize and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.

Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8).

Week 6


I can


Identify and distinguish between representational, abstract, and nonobjective works of art.

Identify artwork made from the artists philosophy that art is at its best when it evokes strong emotions from viewers (emotionalism).

Create artwork utilizing concepts, subject matter, or the sign systems of other disciplines.

Read and perform quarter, eighth, half, dotted half, sixteenth, and whole notes, and quarter, half, and whole rests in meters of two, three, and four using rhythm syllables.

Read and perform expanded pitch patterns and simple songs using solfge and letter names of the treble clef.

Identify and apply an expanded vocabulary of musical terms.

Identify representative orchestral instruments and their families by sight and sound as well as instruments of other cultures.

Describe and demonstrate the use of force to move objects various distances.

Establish personal goals based upon results of fitness assessments.


Week 3

I can

Obtain and combine information to determine seasonal weather patterns across the different regions of the United States.

Develop solutions that could be implemented to reduce the impact of weather related hazards.

Week 6

I can

Observe the detailed characteristics of rocks and minerals. Identify and classify rocks as being composed of different combinations of minerals.


Week 9


I can

Identify, control, and use a balance of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques, and processes to effectively communicate ideas, experiences, and stories.

Identify and compare similar concepts or big ideas found in art and across disciplines (such as unity, diversity, and celebration).

Establish and apply criteria for evaluating various types of musical performances.

Identify and demonstrate appropriate behavior when performing music.

Discuss ways that music could enhance understanding of a topic in another discipline.

Learn folk dances from other eras and cultures.

Demonstrate respect and compassion for the individual differences of others while participating in physical activities.

Demonstrate feelings through a pattern of locomotor and nonlocomotor movements.

Week 9

I can

Determine how fossils are formed, discovered, layered over time, and used to provide evidence of the organisms and the environments in which they lived long ago.

Social Studies

Week 3

I can

Construct maps and graphs that show aspects of human/environmental interaction in the local community, Indiana and communities within the region.

Locate Indiana and other Midwestern states on maps using simple grid systems.

Label a map of the Midwest, identifying states, major rivers, lakes and the Great Lakes.

Explain that regions are areas that have similar physical and cultural characteristics. Identify Indiana and the local community as part of a specific region.

Compare and contrast the physical characteristics of Indiana to neighboring states using words, illustrations, maps, photographs, and other resources.

Week 6

I can

Compare the cultural characteristics of their community within communities in other parts of the world.

Identify the major climate regions of the United States and explain their characteristics

Describe how climate and the physical characteristics of a region affect the vegetation and animal life living there.

Week 9

I can

Identify the northern, southern, eastern and western hemispheres; cardinal and intermediate directions; and determine the direction and distance from one place to another.

Use labels and symbols to locate and identify physical and political features on maps and/or globes.


Note: Each column uses different text styles (Regular, Italic, Bold, Underlined) to differentiate concepts.     Language Arts & Reading

3rd Grade – Reading Wonders, Unit                Big Idea:             Meet the Challenge                               What are different ways to meet challenges?


Weekly Concept &

Essential Questions

Genres, Text Features,

Literary Element


Comprehension: Strategies, Skills, & Fluency

Phonics: Awareness, Spelling Skill, Structural Analysis

Vocabulary Words, Domain Words,

Academic Words, Strategies


Trait, Research,

About Reading


Skill & Mechanics

Research & Inquiry




What choices are good for us?

Folktale, Expository Text, Directions

Ask and Answer Questions


Point of View



// and /ů/

Roots in Related Words

aroma, expect, flavorful, graceful, healthful, interrupted, luscious, variety

intermission, program, props

habit, positive, impact

Root Words



Write an Opinion


Write and Analysis

Linking Verbs

End Punctuation and Complete Sentences

Weekly: Research how to make informed choices


Skills and Talents


How can you use what you know to help others?

Realistic Fiction

Ask and Answer Questions


Point of View



Plural Words

Vowel Team Syllables

achievement, apologize, attention, audience, confidence, embarassed, realized, talents

not, now, off, practiced, special


realistic fiction, ask and answer questions, point of view, narrator, fiction, dialogue, realistic, illustrations,, prefixes, definition, phrasing, talent, task, directions, narrations, situations

Prefixes un-, non-, im-, pre-



Write Instructions

Write and Opinion

Contraction with Not

Using Apostrophes

Weekly: Research ways to help others




How do animals adapt to challenges in their habitat?

Expository Text, Folktale


Map, Photos with Captions



Compare and Contrast



Varient Vowel //

Greek and Latin Roots

alert, competition, environment, excellent, prefer, protection, related, shelter

burrows, vibrations

Sentence Clues


Write a Description

Write an Opinion

Main and Helping Verbs

Commas and Quotation Marks in Dialogue

Weekly: Research animal adaptations




How are people able to fly?

Expository Text, Myth





Compare and Contrast




r-Controlled Vowel

controlled, direction, flight, impossible, launched, motion, passenger, popular

spy physics,

Multiple-Meaning Words




Write a Bibliography

Write an Opinion

Complex Sentences

Using Commas in Sentences

Weekly: Research discoveries in early aviation




How can others inspire us?

Narrative and Free Verse, Poetry, Realistic Fiction


Repetition and Rhyme






Soft c and g

Words with -er and -est

adventurous, courageous, extremely, weird

Poetry Terms:
free verse, narrative poem, repetition, rhyme

inspire, descriptive, specific          Using Metaphors


Write a Description

Write an Opinion

Irregular verbs

Correct Verb Forms

Weekly: Research famous people who inspire others


Unit Research & Inquiry                             Research: Using Primary and Secondary Sources                                        Project: Self-select and develop from weekly research options for unit research projects

McKinley Primary Center                    2016-17 / Quarter  3 / 3rd Grade: Teaching & Learning Plan