McKinley Primary Center                    2016-17 / Quarter  3 / 4th Grade: Teaching & Learning Plan




Physical Education


Week 3


I canÉ


Apply criteria based on properties found in the work and research of its historical context to make informed judgments.

Demonstrate refined perceptual skills in the production of personal artwork. 

Play ostinato accompaniments on pitched and non-pitched classroom instruments, independently and with others.

Improvise a short composition using various sounds in response to the direction of a teacher or student conductor.

Plan a short composition with a given form using various pitched, non-pitched, and electronic sound sources. Perform as an ensemble with a student conductor.

Read and perform songs from notation and sight read new songs using expanded pitch ranges.

Demonstrate complex patterns of movement.

Observe the performance of others to provide feedback to help improve motor skills.

Week 9


I canÉ

Explain why a fraction, a/b, is equivalent to a fraction, (n × a)/(n × b), by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions. [In grade 4, limit denominators of fractions to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 25, 100.]


Add and subtract mixed numbers with common denominators.


Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators. Recognize comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions.


Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size based on the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions.


Make a line plot to display a data set of measurements in fractions of a unit (1/2, 1/4, 1/8). Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions by using data displayed in line plots.


Identify, describe, and draw parallelograms, rhombuses, and trapezoids using appropriate tools.


Recognize and draw lines of symmetry in two-dimensional figures. Identify figures that have lines of symmetry.


Recognize angles as geometric shapes that are formed wherever two rays share a common endpoint.


Identify, describe, and draw rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines using appropriate tools (e.g., ruler, straightedge and technology). Identify these in two-dimensional figures.


Classify triangles and quadrilaterals based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines, or the presence or absence of angles (right, acute, obtuse).

Measure angles in whole-number degrees using appropriate tools. Sketch angles of specified measure.

Week 6


I canÉ


Identify and describe artistic styles.

Identify and discriminate between types of lines, shapes, textures, colors, space, balance, and the use of proportion, rhythm, variety, repetition, and movement in own work and the works of others.

Create artwork incorporating concepts, subject matter, or the sign systems of other disciplines that communicates in-depth knowledge gained through integrated study.

Expand use of musical terms, instrument names, and styles, using word banks and other vocabulary activities.

Establish a portfolio that documents understanding of musical experiences through writing samples, illustrations, and related media computer files.

Demonstrate appropriate listening behavior for various types of performances.

Establish and apply criteria for evaluating various types of musical performances including personal efforts.

Identify and participate in lifetime physical activities.

Describe exercises/activities that will improve each component of health-related physical fitness.

Week 9


I canÉ

Compare and contrast products and subject matter of visual art and other art forms.

Create an interdisciplinary work integrating concepts, processes, technology, and sign systems of more than one art form.

Identify and demonstrate appropriate behavior when performing music.

Use classroom instruments to orchestrate an original piece of writing such as a description of a favorite literary character or a paragraph about a given subject using descriptive words.

Identify and experience music of renowned musicians throughout Indiana history.

Describe the similarities and differences between games of different countries.

Social Studies

Week 3

I canÉ

Describe IndianaÕs landforms (lithosphere), water features (hydrosphere), and plants and animals (biosphere).

Explain how glaciers shaped IndianaÕs landscape and environment.

Explain the effect of the Earth/sun relationship on the climate of Indiana.

Use latitude and longitude to identify physical and human features of Indiana.

Estimate distances between two places on a map when referring to relative locations.

Week 6

I canÉ

Locate Indiana on a map as one of the 50 United States. Identify and describe the location of the state capital, major cities and rivers in Indiana.

Identify the challenges in the physical landscape of Indiana to early settlers and modern day economic development.

Map and describe the physical regions of Indiana and identify major natural resources and crop regions.

Explain the importance of major transportation routes, including rivers, in the exploration, settlement and growth of Indiana and in the stateÕs location as a crossroad of America.


Week 3

I canÉ

Investigate how the moon appears to move through the sky and it changes day to day, emphasizing the importance of how the moon impacts the Earth, the rising and setting times, and solar and lunar eclipses.

Week 9

I canÉ

Identify immigration patterns and describe the impact diverse ethnic and cultural groups has had and has on Indiana.

Examine IndianaÕs international relationships with states and regions in other parts of the world.

Create maps of Indiana at different times in history showing regions and major physical and cultural features; give examples of how people in Indiana have modified their environment over time.

Read and interpret texts (written, graphs, maps, timelines, etc.) to answer geographic questions about Indiana in the past and present.

Week 6

I canÉ

Describe how geological forces change the shape of the land suddenly and over time.

Week 9

I canÉ

Identify a simple problem with the design of an object that reflects a need or a want.  Include criteria for success and constraints on materials, time, or cost.

Develop solutions that could be implemented to reduce the impact of humans on the natural environment and the natural environment on humans.


Note: Each column uses different text styles (Regular, Italic, Bold, Underlined) to differentiate concepts.     Language Arts & Reading

4th Grade – Reading Wonders, Unit 4                 Big Idea:  Fact or Fiction                                        How do different writers treat the same topic?


Weekly Concept & Essential Questions

Genres, Literary Element, Text Features

Comprehension: Skills, Strategies & Fluency

Phonics: Awareness, Spelling Skill, Structural Analysis

Vocabulary Words, Domain Words, Academic Words, Strategies

Writing: Trait, Research,

About Reading


Skill & Mechanics

Research & Inquiry


Our Government


Why do we need government?

Informational Text: Narrative Nonfiction, Expository


Boldface Words: Pronunciations

Text Structure: Cause and Effect


Ask and Answer Questions


Phrasing and Rate

Inflectional Endings

Vowel Team Syllables

amendments, commitment, compromise, democracy, eventually, legislation, privilege, version

ballots, tallies

signal words, narrative nonfiction

Latin Roots

Friendly Letter; Poetry


Organization: Strong Paragraphs

Write Research Notes

Write an Analysis (analyze text structure)

Unit 4 Writing Focus: Narrative Text/Poetry

Pronouns and Antecedents

Pronoun Capitalization and Clarity


State Constitution




Why do people run for public office?

Fantasy, Informational Text: Expository

Point of View


Make, Confirm, or Revise Predictions


Phrasing and Expression

Inflectional Endings: Changing y to i

r-Controlled Vowel Syllables

accompanies, campaign, governor, intend, opponent, overwhelming, tolerate, weary

political, persuasive,  techniques

Figurative Language: Idioms

Ideas: Develop Character

Draft a Plan

Write an Analysis (analyze point of view)

Types of Pronouns

Subject and Object Pronouns

Weekly: Political Campaigns




How do inventions and technology affect your life?

Historical Fiction, Informational Text: Expository

Point of View


Make, Confirm, or Revise Predictions



Words with /Ÿ/, /ū/, and /ů/

Consonant +  le Syllables

decade, directing, engineering, gleaming, scouted, squirmed, technology, tinkering

launch, ignition, sequence, liftoff

formal language
third person

Context Clues: Synonyms


Ideas: Develop Plot

Write a Description

Write an Analysis (reflect on point of view)

Pronoun-Verb Agreement

Punctuation in Dialogue

Weekly: Plastics and their impact


Wonders in the Sky


How do you explain what you see in the sky?

Informational Text: Expository, Myths


Diagrams, Boldface Words, Pronunciations

Text Structure: Cause and Effect


Ask and Answer Questions



Diphthongs /oi/ and /ou/

Greek and Latin Roots

astronomer, crescent, phases, rotates, series, sliver, specific, telescope

asteroid, dwarf planet, comet

simile, personification

Context Clues: Paragraph Clues

Word Choice: Figurative Language

Write a Plan

Write an Analysis (analyze themes, topics, or events)

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive Nouns and Pronouns


Weekly: Eclipses




How do writers look at success in different ways?

Narrative Poem, Realistic Fiction, Poetry


Stanza: Repetition






Variant Vowel /™/

Frequently Confused Words

attain, dangling, hovering, triumph

Poetry Terms:
connotation, denotation, repetition, stanza

sensory, analysis

Connotation and Denotation

Word Choice: Sensory Language

Write an Analysis

Write an Analysis (analyze poetic structure)

Pronouns and Homophones

Contractions and Possessives

Weekly: Poets and their use of language


Unit Level Research & Inquiry              Research Skill: Relevant Facts                                     Unit Project: Self-select and develop from options for unit research projects.

McKinley Primary Center                    2016-17 / Quarter  3 / 4th Grade: Teaching & Learning Plan