McKinley Primary Center

2016-17 / Quarter 2 / Kindergarten: Teaching & Learning Plan

McKinley Primary Center




Physical Education


Week 3


I canÉ


Demonstrate curiosity and personal insight through observing and discussing works of art.


Create art that expresses personal ideas, interests, and feelings.

Echo short melodic patterns sung by the teacher.


Maintain a steady beat while playing an instrument in a group. 

Demonstrate basic (fundamental) movement vocabulary and cue words for learning skills.


Perform basic manipulative skills.

Week 9


I canÉ


Use objects, drawings, mental images, sounds, etc., to represent addition and subtraction within 10.

Count up to 20 objects arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle. Count up to 10 objects in a scattered configuration. Count out the number of objects, given a number from 1 to 20.

Use objects, drawings, etc., to decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way, and record each decomposition with a drawing or an equation (e.g., 5 = 2 + 3 and 5 = 4 + 1). [In Kindergarten, students should see equations and be encouraged to trace them, however, writing equations is not required.] 

Find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number for any number from 1 to 9 (e.g., by using objects or drawings), and record the answer with a drawing or an equation.

Recognize sets of 1 to 10 objects in patterned arrangements and tell how many without counting.

Describe the positions of objects and geometric shapes in space using the terms inside, outside, between, above, below, near, far, under, over, up, down, behind, in front of, next to, to the left of and to the right of.

Compare two- and three-dimensional shapes in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and vertices/"corners") and other attributes (e.g., having sides of equal length).

Model shapes in the world by composing shapes from objects (e.g., sticks and clay balls) and drawing shapes.

Compose simple geometric shapes to form larger shapes (e.g., create a rectangle composed of two triangles).

Make direct comparisons of the length, capacity, weight, and temperature of objects, and recognize which object is shorter, longer, taller, lighter, heavier, warmer, cooler, or holds more.

Week 6


I canÉ


Discriminate between types of lines (characteristics), shapes (geometric), textures (tactile), and colors (primary/secondary hues) in own work and the work of others.


Reflect on and share work with others.

Respond to teacher-played phrases with a similar phrase using body percussion, found items, or an instrument.

Use fine and gross motor movement to demonstrate simple rhythm and pitch patterns.

Identify and demonstrate basic principles for learning basic movement skills.

Week 9


I canÉ

Identify simple images and subject matter in works of art.

Construct possible meanings in works of art based on personal response and properties in the works.

Identify other classes and school activities where music is used and the purpose of the music in each situation.

Identify situations in daily life where music is experienced.

Demonstrate respect for other children in physical education class.


Show a positive attitude toward self and others during physical activity.

Social Studies

Week 3

I canÉ

Give examples of work activities that people do at home.

Explain why people in a community choose different jobs.

Week 6

I canÉ

Identify and describe different kinds of jobs that people do and the tools or equipment used in these jobs.


Week 3

I canÉ

Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object.

Week 9

I canÉ

Explain that people work to earn money to buy the things they want and need. Give examples of people who are community helpers and leaders and describe how they help us.

Week 6

I canÉ

Describe and compare objects seen in the night and day sky, observing that the sun and moon move across the sky.

Week 9

I canÉ

Investigate the local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment.


Note: Columns may use different text styles (Regular, Italic, Bold, Underlined) to differentiate concepts.     Language Arts & Reading

Kindergarten – Reading Wonders, Unit 4               Big Idea:  Around the neighborhood                         What do you know about the people and places in your neighborhood?


Weekly Concept &

Essential Questions

Genre, Text Features & Literary Elements

Comprehension: Skills, Strategies & Fluency



Vocabulary: Academic, High-Frequency, Oral, and Category


Trait, Product, About Reading


Research & Inquiry


Time for Work


What do people use to do their jobs?

Fable, Informational Text, Nonfiction



Ask and Answer Questions


Key Details (Sequence)


Sound-Spelling and Word Automaticity;


Pencil grip, writing posture, writing grid (sky line, plane line, grass line, worm line)

Letter, key word, sound


Letter formation: l, h, k

adjective, category, revise, draft




equipment, uniform, utensils, expect, remained


Job Words

Small Moment Narrative Writing


Mentor Texts


Writing Conventions


Finger Spacing


Stretch out Sounds and Words


Use 5 Star Writing Rubric


Illustrations match story-Sentence per page

ÒWriting Across the PagesÓ


Goal: Beginning, Middle, and End to a Story


Which tools help workers do their jobs?


Meet Your Neighbors


Who are your neighbors?

Informational Text, Fiction


Environmental Print

Ask and Answer Questions


Character, Setting, Events (Use Illustrations)


Sound-Spelling and Word Automaticity;


Pencil grip, writing posture, writing grid (sky line, plane line, grass line, worm line)

Letter, key word, sound


Letter formation: v, w

research, internet, present, publish




appreciate, cultures, prefer, proud, tradition


Food Words


What cultures can be found in your neighborhood?


Pitch In


How can people help to make your community better?

Fable, Informational Text



Ask and Answer Questions


Key Details (Sequence)


Sound-Spelling and Word Automaticity;


Pencil grip, writing posture, writing grid (sky line, plane line, grass line, worm line)

Letter, key word, sound


Letter formation: y, x

chart, sequence, blend, plot


and, do, go, to you


community, improve, confused, harvest, quarrel


Position Words


In what ways can we improve our community?

Kindergarten – Reading Wonders, Unit 5               Big Idea:  Wonders of nature                                       What kinds of things can you find growing in nature?


How Does Your Garden Grow?


What do living things need to grow?

Informational Text, Fiction, Poetry, Fantasy



Character, Setting, Events (Use Illustrations), Rhyme and Repetition


Sound-Spelling and Word Automaticity;


Pencil grip, writing posture, writing grid (sky line, plane line, grass line, worm line)

Letter, key word, sound


Letter formation: z, qu

pronoun, rhyme, event, beginning




require, plant, harmful, soak, crowd


Size Words


Vocab Strategy: Plurals

Small Moment Narrative Writing


Mentor Texts


Writing Conventions


Finger Spacing


Stretch out Sounds and Words


Use 5 Star Writing Rubric


Illustrations match story-Sentence per page

ÒWriting Across the PagesÓ


Goal: Beginning, Middle, and End to a Story


What do plants need to grow?




How do living things change as they grow?

Fairy Tale, Informa-tional Text, Nonfiction





Main Topic and Key Details


Sound-Spelling and Word Automaticity;


Pencil grip, writing posture, letter, key word, sound

Decoding CVC words with tapping rhyming


Letter formation: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H

fact, topic, fairy tale, diagram




develop, amazing, content, enormous, imagine


Tree Parts


Vocab Strategy:

Inflectional Ending –ed


How do trees change as they grow?


Fresh from the Farm


What kinds of things grow on a farm?

Informational Text, Fiction





Main Topic and Key Details


Sound-Spelling and Word Automaticity;

Intonation; Phrasing

Pencil grip, writing posture, letter, key word, sound

Decoding CVC words with tapping rhyming


Letter formation: I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P

reread, lists


with he


fresh, delicious, beneath, raise, special


Food Words


Vocab Strategy: Context Clues



How do fruits and vegetables grow?

2016-17 / Quarter 2 / Kindergarten: Teaching & Learning Plan